- Shari'a Law and Modern Muslim Ethics (2016, Hardcover) book DJV, FB2


Many Muslim societies are in the throes of tumultuous political transitions, and common to all has been heightened debate over the place of shari'a law in modern politics and ethical life. Bringing together leading scholars of Islamic politics, ethics, and law, this book examines the varied meanings and uses of Islamic law, so as to assess the prospects for democratic, plural, and gender-equitable Islamic ethics today. These essays show that, contrary to the claims of some radicals, Muslim understandings of Islamic law and ethics have always been varied and emerge, not from unchanging texts but from real and active engagement with Islamic traditions and everyday life. The ethical debates that rage in contemporary Muslim societies reveal much about the prospects for democratic societies and a pluralist Islamic ethics in the future. They also suggest that despite the tragic violence wrought in recent years by Boko Haram and the Islamic State in Iraq, we may yet see an age of ethical renewal across the Muslim world.

- Shari'a Law and Modern Muslim Ethics (2016, Hardcover) read online DOC, FB2, MOBI

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