Robbie Adler Tapia - Emdr and the Art of Psychotherapy with Children, Second Edition : Infants to Adolescents EPUB, DOC


Praise for the First Edition: Au Contains] invaluable material for the child therapist with varied theoretical backgrounds to more confidently apply EMDR to children." --Frances Klaff, Journal of EMDR Practice and Research AuRich with examples, scripts and useful info. I definitely recommend it. Au --Amazon, 5 stars This second editon focuses on teaching therapists to effectively use the entire EMDR Therapy eight-phased treatment with children of all ages from infantsto adolescents. The book details changes to the phases of EMDR Therapy (history taking, case conceptualization, and treatment planning) along withalterations to case conceptualization for target identification and organization. The book details newly published research documenting currentevidence-based support of EMDR Therapy with children. The text includes a code which gives the reader online access to a video of one of the authors usingEMDR Therapy with a three-year-old. This video provides the practitioner a first Aihand view of how the eight Aiphases of EMDR Therapy can be applied with atoddler. The text details the basic skills required to use EMDR Therapy with children and transitions to more advanced skills including working with infants andtoddlers, children with intellectual and developmental disabilites, and children in the welfare system. It integrates play therapy and other forms ofexpressive therapies. Speciality topics regarding using EMDR Therapy include case conceptualization with diagnoses defined by the DSM-5 and ICD-10, newborn/neonate diagnoses, children with chemical dependency, numerous situational issues ranging from testifying in court to bullying, and many more. Casestudies woven throughout the text clearly demonstate EMDR Therapy applications, and a summaries of published evidence support the efficacy of EMDR Therapyincluding studies from WHO and SAMHSA. Aiming to provide best practices for children who are in need of expert psychotherapy, the text also promotes andfacilitates efforts toward additional research that validates and advances the practice of EMDR Therapy. Expanded to include EMDR Therapy with infants andtoddlers, preteens and adolescents while incorporating all aspects of the eight phases of this comprehensive psychotherapy, this book continues to be thefoundational EMDR text for therapists working with children. New to the Second Edition: Acents Integrates developmental theory for use with children, adolescents, and teens Acents Highlights additional specialties and protocols Acents Includes breakthrough inclusion of narrative therapeutic concepts with young children Acents Provides new resourcing and other scripts Acents Integrates play therapy and other expressive techniques for use with any age client Acents Guides therapists in using EMDR Therapy with specialty populations Acents Presents two new chapters Ai one on EMDR Therapy with infants, toddlers and preschoolers and a second on preteens and adolescents. Each chapter includescases of real clients that demonstrates the challenges and efficacy of using EMDR therapy with children. Acents Revises phases of EMDR Therapy for history taking, case conceptualization, and treatment planning Acents Provides a code for on-line access to a video of using EMDR Therapy with a toddler Key Features: Acents Serves as the foundational EMDR Therapy text for therapists working with children Acents Details the skills--from basic to advanced Aineeded for best practices Acents Includes the most current research demonstrating the efficacy of EMDR Therapy ", Praise for the First Edition: Contains] invaluable material for the child therapist with varied theoretical backgrounds to more confidently apply EMDR to children." Frances Klaff, Journal of EMDR Practice and Research Rich with examples, scripts and useful info. I definitely recommend it. Amazon, 5 starsThis second edition focuses on teaching therapists to effectively use the entire EMDR Therapy eight-phased treatment with children of all ages from infants to adolescents. The book details changes to the phases of EMDR Therapy (history taking, case conceptualization, and treatment planning) along with alterations to case conceptualization for target identification and organization. The book details newly published research documenting current evidence-based support of EMDR Therapy with children. The text includes a code that gives the reader online access to a video of one of the authors using EMDR Therapy with a 3-year-old. This video provides the practitioner a first-hand view of how the eight phases of EMDR Therapy can be applied with a toddler.The text details the basic skills required to use EMDR Therapy with children and transitions to more advanced skills, including working with infants and toddlers, children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and children in the welfare system. It integrates play therapy and other forms of expressive therapies. Specialty topics regarding using EMDR Therapy include case conceptualization with diagnoses defined by the DSM-5 and ICD-10, newborn/neonate diagnoses, children with chemical dependency, numerous situational issues ranging from testifying in court to bullying, and many more. Case studies woven throughout the text clearly demonstrate EMDR Therapy applications, and summaries of published evidence support the efficacy of EMDR Therapy, including studies from WHO and SAMHSA. Aiming to provide best practices for children who are in need of expert psychotherapy, the text also promotes and facilitates efforts toward additional research that validates and advances the practice of EMDR Therapy. Expanded to include EMDR Therapy with infants and toddlers, preteens, and adolescents and incorporating all aspects of the eight phases of this comprehensive psychotherapy, this book continues to be the foundational EMDR text for therapists working with children.New to the Second Edition: Integrates developmental theory for use with children, adolescents, and teensHighlights additional specialties and protocols Includes breakthrough inclusion of narrative therapeutic concepts with young childrenProvides new resourcing and other scripts Integrates play therapy and other expressive techniques for use with any age clientGuides therapists in using EMDR Therapy with specialty populationsPresents two new chapters one on EMDR Therapy with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and a second on preteens and adolescents. Each chapter includes cases of real clients that demonstrate the challenges and efficacy of using EMDR therapy with childrenRevises phases of EMDR Therapy for history taking, case conceptualization, and treatment planningProvides a code for online access to a video of using EMDR Therapy with a toddlerKey Features: Serves as the foundational EMDR Therapy text for therapists working with childrenDetails the skills from basic to advanced needed for best practicesIncludes the most current research demonstrating the efficacy of EMDR Therapy"

Download book Emdr and the Art of Psychotherapy with Children, Second Edition : Infants to Adolescents by Robbie Adler Tapia in FB2, MOBI, DOC

Yet, it is considered a task, a chore, and very often, a major stumbling block on the path toward success for many people.Es ist das erste seiner Art und dient als Vorlage für ein bundesweit einheitliches Transitionskonzept, das durch eine wachsende Zahl von Krankenversicherungen vergütet wird., The Berlin Transitions Program (BTP) is an interdisciplinary structural program that offers professional case management to help young people with chronic diseases make the transition from pediatric to adult medicine.Topics include: Organizing students and the classroom, Building academic and functional skills, Preparing for transitions, Working with support staff, Communicating with parents and caregivers, Assistive technology, Lesson planning and creating IEPS, Perfect for new or experienced teachers, administrators, teacher trainers, parents, and anyone else who works with children, the strategies in this guide help ensure that all students have access to the education they want and deserve.Teachers can open this book and quickly find an idea to adapt to their standardThis book contains short courses in current topics in nonlinear physics given by distinguished professionals in their fields.Taking a developmental approach to treatment, they explain how brief therapy can help at different times in a patient's life, as changes and transitions bring on new stresses and challenges.The reading of this book will provide insight on the changes taking place in crowdfunding, and offer strategic opportunities and advantages.In light of the growing interest in design and synthesis of building blocks for the self-assembly of complex structures, this book addresses at the field of self-assembly from a theoretical perspective, highlighting the importance of computational studies to support the design of new self-assembling materials with useful structural, mechanical and electrical properties.James G. McGann assesses twenty-three think tanks, located in nine countries and four regions of the world: Chile, Peru, Poland, Slovakia, South Africa, Botswana, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, that have most impacted political and economic transitions in their respective countries.Are You Gonna Rock My World 1.After this, we will look at Ragdoll physics and the implementation of this commonly used technique in a Mecanim workflow.