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Routledge Research in Education Policy and Politics: School Governance and Governing Practices : A Foucauldian Approach by Andrew Wilkins read ebook MOBI, EPUB, DOC


Modernising School Governance examines the impact of recent market-based reforms on the role of governors in the English state education system. A focus of the book concerns how government and non-government demands for strong governance have been translated to mean improved performance management of senior school leaders and greater monitoring and disciplining of governors. This book addresses fundamental questions about the neoliberal logic underpinning these reforms and how governors are being trained and responsibilised in new ways to enhance the integrity of these developments. Drawing on large-scale research conducted over three years, the book examines the impact of these reforms on the day to day practices of governors and the diminished role of democracy in these contexts. Wilkins also captures the economic and political rationalities shaping the conduct of governors at this time and traces these expressions to wider structural developments linked to depoliticisation, decentralisation and disintermediation. This book addresses timely and original issues concerning the role of corporate planning and expert handling to state education at a time of increased school autonomy, shrinking local government support/oversight, and tight, centralised accountability. It will appeal to researchers and postgraduate students in disciplines of education, sociology, political science, public policy and management. It will also be of interest to researchers and policy makers from countries with similar or emerging quasi-market education systems.", Since the 1980s successive governments in England have introduced market-based reforms intended to liberate schools from local government bureaucracy and steer them towards adopting strategies of new public management as self-sustaining, business-run organizations. Under recent Conservative government policy, these reforms have been expanded to accommodate the huge number of state secondary schools now operating outside the control of local government. But schools now face new challenges. The removal of direct government intervention has given rise to demands for strong governance underpinned by corporate planning and expert handling. Hence school governors the principal agents of school governance are being primed for reorientation, reconstitution and reculturing at this time. But in whose interests is school governance exercised and who defines the field of judgement in which school governors operate? What has been the impact of these reforms on wider community participation in schools?" Modernizing School Governance" addresses timely and original issues concerning the impact of market-based reform on the ways in which schools are expected to organize and develop themselves as publicly accountable institutions. Drawing on large-scale, multi-sited, case study research, this book captures the everyday workings of school governance at a time of rapid devolved management, depoliticization and disintermediation. Through tracing the relationships between school governance and the broad macro-structural shifts underpinning the movement from state regulation to market regulation, this book explores the complex role of school governors as sponsors of the state, guarantors of the market and protectors of the community."

Andrew Wilkins - Routledge Research in Education Policy and Politics: School Governance and Governing Practices : A Foucauldian Approach download book EPUB, DJV, FB2

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